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StarMyst: Forgiven Page 10

  She titled her face to his, her hands sliding down to wrap around his ribs and pull him close to her. Each stroke brought them closer together. There was no way her father could separate them now. The lussor hummed and Reid enjoyed the satiated feeling it produced for the first time in his life.

  Together, he and Laura danced beneath the spray. The water didn’t cool. Instead, it slid warm over their heated skin. Billows of steam filled the room, making it seem as if they were in their own private little world. Reid cared only for the woman pressed next to him. She clutched at him, feeding him her whimpering cries. Tearing her lips away, she screamed as she came again. “Reid!” His name echoed around the bathroom, fueling his own need.

  He was so fucking close. A familiar pressure built behind his balls. Grinding his hips into hers, he thrust hard and deep as his release erupted. His cock twitched as he spilled himself inside her. A low, feral growl rumbled through his chest. Pressing his forehead against hers, he plunged one more time into her body. Panting, they clung together.

  “I think we better finish our shower,” she rasped against his chest.

  He nodded, not having the strength to do much more. Reluctantly, they pulled apart. There’d be time enough for more lovemaking before they entered enemy territory.

  ~* * *~

  Reid knew Laura was scared as they pulled into the circular drive in front of the Brazos Conclave mansion. He didn’t blame her, not when his stomach churned worse than a pen of trapped mustangs. He’d seen them once on a trip to Nevada that Edwin had taken them on as a child. Horses, caught in pipe corrals, running back and forth, always yearning for the freedom they’d never have again.

  The house sat back from the street, surrounded by a high privacy fence with a manual gate. Someone must have seen them coming, and recognized Laura, for the black wrought iron gate had slid open soundlessly. He’d driven for what seemed like a mile before parking behind a huge, ornate fountain. Lush greenery surrounded the four-story house. The main building boasted a large center structure with two wings. Drawing a deep breath, Reid turned off the engine.

  “We’re here,” he announced in a sober voice. “Is there a valet or something or do we just go on up?” It seemed awkward to leave the car parked in the center of the circular driveway, though it was wide enough for more than one vehicle to pass. He had no doubts they were being watched.

  “Let’s just get this over with.” Laura smoothed her palms over the cream business suit she wore. The pencil skirt reached modestly to her knees, her legs appearing to go on forever in matching hose and sedate pumps. He didn’t know she’d ever owned anything so elegant. Wearing the only suit he had, he felt out of place.

  “Let me get your door,” he said as he opened his. Walking around the car, he helped her out, even taking her hand. He doubted those watching would notice its' slight tremble.

  Reid held his head high, his shoulders square as he ascended the seven steps to the front door. A heavy brass knocker hung in the center and he raised his fingers.

  The mahogany doors swung open. A uniformed butler, his gray hair cut short on his balding head, looked down over his hawk-like nose at them. A thin man, his lips pressed into a terminal frown, he barely softened when he saw them. “Miss Ingress, how good to have you home. If you’ll follow me, your father is waiting in his study.” Turning on his heel, the butler efficiently ignored Reid.

  Laura cast Reid a wary glance. He smiled and nodded at her, wanting to reassure her that it was okay. To these people, he was the cur trying to mate with their prize bitch. He might not see it that way, but they did.

  The expensive artwork adoring the walls combined with hardwood paneling and Berber carpet so plush his feet sank into it, displayed the Brazos Conclave’s wealth. Reid thought about his family’s modest farmhouse. Compared to this, it looked like a hovel.

  Think positive. You have every right to be here. You’re a Sorcerer. His mental pep talk did him little good. The building was full of energy, the subtle hum of power enough to raise the hairs on his arms beneath his suit coat.

  The butler opened a large dark wood door. “Miss Ingress and her companion are here to see you, sir.” With a low bow, the butler left, but not before Reid saw him sneer.

  A stout man sat behind the desk. Though he looked as if he had a large girth, he was a solidly built man with a full head of salt and pepper hair. When he looked up from his work, his dark brown eyes, so much like Laura’s, narrowed. Pulling his lips into a frown, he raked his daughter from head to toe with a disappointed stare, before turning his attention on Reid.

  “Father, I’m here.” Laura stepped forward, her hand in Reid’s dragging him along behind her. “This is my mate, Reid Montano of StarMyst Conclave. I’m bringing him to you so you can see I’ve joined with another Sorcerer and let us return to his Conclave.”

  “Sir.” Reid extended his hand. “I promise you that I’ll take care of your daughter. She’ll want for nothing.”

  The head of Brazos Conclave dismissed Reid’s outstretched hand with a snort. “I trust you know your way to your rooms,” he said to his daughter, dismissing her like an unruly child.

  “I do, but I’ll stay. Anything you discuss with Reid applies to me too.” Laura released his hand and crossed her arms over her chest.

  Reid stood there, unsure what to do. Father and daughter stared at each other. Laura’s gaze held bold defiance, her father’s anger. “I’ll be all right,” he said, laying a hand on her arm. “I’m sure I can handle whatever your father has to say to me.”

  “Can you, boy?” Laura’s father rose from his chair. He strode around his desk. “I am Xavier Alexander Davis Rogers Ingress and I lead one of the most powerful Conclaves in America. Are you sure you can handle what I have to say to you?”

  “Yes, sir. Let’s be honest. Your daughter is a very powerful woman in her own right. As a member of your Conclave, she’s priceless. I know how rare females are. If my foster sister hadn’t agreed to marry the head of our Conclave, I’m sure StarMyst would be in much the same position you’re in right now, Mr. Ingress. I may not be the match you envisioned for your daughter, but I’m the one she wants. I suggest we both work together to make her happy.” Reid didn’t relax his guard.

  “Laura. Go to your room,” Xavier said with a narrow glare. “Mr. Montano and I have things to discuss.”

  “Only if you do it civilly, Father. I am tired. If Hettie is still here, I’ll have her send one of the boys to bring our luggage up to my rooms.” Spinning on her heel, Laura started to walk away.

  “Mr. Montano will be staying in the guest wing.” Her father’s voice stopped her just a few feet from the door.

  She looked over her shoulder, a few strands of her blonde hair coming lose from her coif. She gave her father a mischievous smile and chuckled. “With your room between us? I don’t think so. If you’re so concerned about us, why don’t you kick out one of the guards? I’m sure Reid would find one of their rooms acceptable.” With that parting comment, Laura left the room. The door closed with a resounding slam behind her.

  “Laura always was a difficult child. Sit.” Xavier waved his hand in the direction of the chair opposite of his desk. Rubbing the bridge of his nose, he returned to his leather chair. Opening a drawer, he pulled out a ledger. “Now how much do you want?”

  “Sir?” Reid eyed the checkbook with distrust. “I don’t want your money.”

  “Of course you do. Now come on. Stop playing games. How much?” Xavier tapped his pen on the desk.

  “I don’t want your money,” Reid repeated. “I love your daughter. She’ll be returning to StarMyst with me. What I want is for you to no longer interfere with her life. Sending your men to Edwin’s funeral was a gross breach of etiquette. In fact, I’m appalled that none of the Conclaves sent representatives to the funeral.”

  “Don’t you talk about etiquette to me, boy. Your leader should have sent Laura back here as soon as Edwin died. I was simply doing my duty as the leade
r of Brazos Conclave, and if your leader wants to keep his position, I suggest he do the same.” Xavier’s mouth narrowed into a thin line.

  Reid bit back to the retort springing back to his lips. Getting into a pissing match with the leader of the strongest Conclave wasn’t in anyone’s best interest, least of all his and Laura’s. To hear him openly threaten StarMyst’s position sent shudders down Reid’s spine, which he quickly suppressed. Did the man want to start a new Sorcerer War? Wasn’t that how the last one started? One Conclave got too greedy and started taking over lesser ones.

  “I don’t know how your Conclave operates. Maybe you people can get by talking about joining for love. Maybe that’s why you people never gained in strength. However, down here we do things differently. I already have several willing suitors for Laura’s hand. She will join with an acceptable mate before the month ends.” Xavier sat back in the chair, looking rather pleased with himself.

  Reid struggled not to be offended at Xavier’s use of the words “you people.” He spoke about StarMyst as if it were some backwoods Conclave. Just because Edwin never sought power like some of the others, instead he used his abilities to create a haven for orphans of the Sorcerer War. Forcing his emotions deep, he projected a calm demeanor.

  “I don’t know how your Conclave operates, either Mr. Ingress. However, Laura is an adult and quite capable of making her own decisions. I support whatever decisions she makes. I think, before you marry her off as if this were the Victorian times, that you consult your daughter. I’m sure you’ll find she’s an intelligent, capable woman and has quite a few views of her own.” Reid rested his hands on his knees.

  “Look Mr. Montano, I’m sure you believe that you know what you’re doing and that you’re doing the right thing, riding to the rescue of some damsel who needs rescuing. But that damsel is my daughter, and I can take care of her. I’ll make sure you have tickets for the first flight back to Chicago. I’m sure your leader can pick you up there and discipline you appropriately for interfering with another Conclave’s business.” Xavier leaned forward, the tiniest hint of power surrounding him.

  Reid felt the magic creep along his skin. The hairs on the nape of his neck rose, the subtle push of power against his senses just enough to test him. Reid focused on keeping the lussor quiet. Though he’d cultivated a substantial well of power from what he and Laura had done over the last few days, Xavier’s magic dwarfed his.

  He had to do something. Sitting here, staring at Xavier like a cornered animal wouldn’t do any good. Reid stood. Relaxing his arms at his sides, he stared at Xavier. Taking a step forward, he leaned on Xavier’s large oak desk. Reid refused to be intimidated by the head of the Brazos Conclave. Sure, the man’s magical power was strong enough to crush him like an insect, and frankly, under Conclave law, he had the right. Reid held Xavier’s gaze, determined to let him know that he couldn’t bully around StarMyst.

  “I think you’ll find Laura is a good daughter, to me, and to Brazos. Have your fun. You’ll have plane tickets back to Illinois within twenty-four hours. Tell StarMyst’s new leader I’ll be lenient this once. But if you interfere with Brazos again, I shall not be so forgiving. Now go!” Xavier punctuated his words with a bolt of power.

  Reid staggered backwards. He quickly straightened, half-afraid he’d already showed too much weakness. Edwin had never trained him for battle like this. Drawing a deep breath, he straightened his shoulders and left the den. He had no doubts someone would be more than willing to show him to his rooms.

  Twenty-four hours seemed like such a short amount of time. He had to call Te and apprise him of the situation. Perhaps his friend, and Conclave leader, would have a better idea.

  Chapter Nine

  Beneath the table, Laura reached for Reid’s hand. She entwined her fingers with his, pulling his hand over to press it against her thigh. The subtle sign of ownership didn’t go unnoticed by the others at the table. Laura’s father arched an eyebrow at her. She merely smiled and inclined her head toward him.

  Reid had returned to their room after his meeting with her father. He’d told her the grim news. Her father had given him less than a day before he was to fly back to Chicago. He’d already called Te, and the two men had quite the detailed conversation. Most of it had occurred in the adjoining living room to her bedroom. Hettie had said nothing as the men had brought both hers and Reid’s luggage to her room. Thank goodness for small favors.

  We can do this. She sent the reassurance at him, hoping that he sensed her firm resolve. They’d talked for nearly an hour before she had dressed for lunch in one of her outfits she’d left behind. The ivory blouse and black slacks looked suited to a business dinner rather than a family meal. She and Reid sat in the middle of the huge dining table large enough to seat sixteen, her father sat at the head. No one else joined them.

  “Have you given thought to the list of names I presented you with?” Xavier asked, setting his fork down beside his plate.

  As usual, they ate with the fine china and the sterling silver silverware. Laura wondered who her father thought he was impressing with the show of wealth or if he used it every night. When she still lived here, they had dined on the lesser china and saved this set only for parties. Laura released Reid’s hand and dabbed at the corner of her mouth with her napkin. “It’s the same list that you gave me before, except it’s lost a few names. And I’ve given it the same thought now as I did then and I respectfully decline. I’ve chosen my partner. I’m sorry if you don’t approve.”

  “So why did you come back, Laura? To rub your rebelliousness in my face?” Xavier’s face reddened.

  Laura glanced toward the kitchen, seeing a discreet swish of a gray skirt as one of the servants hurried back to tell the others that the Masters were fighting again. It’d happened often enough when she’d lived here before.

  “I came back in the hopes that you would see that I’ve made my choice.” Laura resisted the urge to look at Reid. She knew Te and Jacy had been having issues with the Bonding Ritual, especially that part of it. In place of the woman’s father, another, well-respected older male Sorcerer could perform the ceremony. However, with StarMyst so isolated they really didn’t have anyone else to ask.

  “Traditionally, the daughter submits to her father’s wishes when it comes to the matter of bonding. You haven’t done that, so why should I abide by your wishes now? You’ve not chosen an acceptable match.” Xavier speared a piece of his tilapia.

  “Acceptable to me. Just not to you,” Laura countered. “Eat,” she whispered to Reid.

  He did, though she sensed his reluctance. Reaching beneath the table, she patted his hand.

  “See, you order him around. He isn’t strong enough for you.” Xavier sneered.

  Reid’s fork clattered to the plate.

  “If you have something to say, Father, then say it. I’m tired of your innuendos, your deal making, your power plays. You’ve run your Conclave like this for years, and you’ve tried to run this family the same way. Especially after mom died. I’m sorry I’m not the son you wanted to carry on your name. And I’m damn sorry that all of the rich, well-bred Sorcerers you’ve thrown at me over the years aren’t making me happy. Reid makes me happy, Father.” She tossed her napkin to the table and shoved back her chair. She gathered her power around her, preparing for an all-out war.

  She’d had it with her father’s strong-arm tactics. It’d been a mistake coming here. Though if she hadn’t, then her father’s men would have forcibly returned her. Staring at her father’s impassible expression, she knew she was truly damned if she did and damned if she didn’t. She could leave the table. No one would stop her from returning to her rooms. But then Reid would be left in an unfamiliar environment at the whim of her father’s tyrannical moods. She wouldn’t do that to him.

  Xavier stood. He leveled a stern gaze at his daughter, completely ignoring the man sitting next to her. “I have quite a bit to say, daughter. You’ve dishonored the Conclave by not returning as s
oon as your services were no longer needed. I’m sorry that StarMyst’s leader has passed away. You should have returned the day after he passed. You didn’t, and I had to send my men to bring you back. You never had any intention of returning to Brazos and completing your duties. Now, you show up with a mongrel and expect my blessing?”

  Reid pushed his chair back. “I am not a mongrel. I know who my parents were. Just because the Sorcerer War destroyed my birth Conclave doesn’t give you, or anyone, the right to call me a mongrel.”

  “Don’t talk to me like that, boy. You have no idea where you came from. I do. I did research on all of Edwin’s little strays. He probably hasn’t told you, but I will.”

  “Then tell me.” Reid raised his chin and stared at Xavier defiantly. “Tell me the truth.”

  “You never had a Conclave. The orphans Edwin took in were only the ones he could find of the outcast Sorcerers. The Sorcerer War wasn’t about one Conclave taking over another, no matter what you might believe. Brazos. Sonora Rising. We were trying to keep the outcasts from ruining our complete way of life. Your parents were rebels.” Xavier pushed his plate away and steepled his fingers. “So you see, you really are mongrels. No way to trace your breeding, your Conclave. It’s amazing Edwin took you in at all.”

  “Why did he then?” Reid asked.

  Laura noted the tense set of his jaw. She suppressed her own gasp of surprise. In all her months of working with Edwin, he never said anything about his Conclave’s checkered past. “What happened to Edwin’s prior Conclave?”

  “The outcasts killed them. Unable to protect his Conclave, Edwin had two choices. Start a new one or join an existing one. He didn’t want to join the ones who would have him, and in a last-ditch effort to stop the war, took in the orphans he could find from the outcasts and rebuilt his Conclave. If Edwin couldn’t protect his Conclave then, he surely can’t protect them now. I’m sure you see, Laura, why we need to get you married to someone suitable, someone who is able to keep you safe.” His lips drew into a tight smile that did not reach his eyes.